A blast from the past: 12 years later as a Designer.

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been almost 12 years since I created this website. I had to have been a Sophomore at this time. I was attending Owens Community College majoring in Commercial Art with a concentration in Web Design. If you’d ask me then what I wanted to do once I graduated I would have said a Web Designer. My teacher knew that also, she would encourage me to do just that. I loved designing web pages, it was and is still something I’m very passionate about.

This website was built using HTML code, I was a beginner to code but the eye for design and how a web page could function and be visually nice to look at came so natural to me. I wish I still had the original files, I unfortunately, misplaced the flash drive that it was saved on. At least I have a picture of it though!

Finding this picture really made me reflect on how far I’ve come in my career. I remember plenty of days feeling hopeless in not knowing if I could really be a designer, a good one at that. Although I had doubts, I had enough faith to keep going and trusting God with whatever He had for me. I’ve always known I would do something creative though. Creativity was as easy as breathing for me. It always brought me joy and was an outlet for me. My bedroom wall was filled with drawings or paintings I created. My dad fostered my love for creativity by always pushing me to learn more and work hard.

I had all that I knew I needed to at least try to be the best designer I could be. From the layout, copy, typography to the colors I would select, I have always sought to be intentional in all of the designs I’ve created. That hasn’t changed. In fact, now being 12 years in my field of studying and growing as a designer, I see even more the importance of a strong brand.

I’m so grateful that I’m able to still create and continue to have a love for design. Through the challenges that I often face in my career, I’m grateful that God has continued to use my gifts that He has given me to do the work He has called me to do.

“He has filled them with skill to perform every work of an engraver and of a designer of an embroider, in blue and in purple and in scarlet material, and in fine linen, and of a weave, as performers of every work and makes of designs.” – Exodus 35:35 (NASB1995)

Thank you for reading (:

<3 Marissa